About us
Welcome to the International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ICMART)
ICMART is an independent, international non-profit organization that has taken the leading role in the development, collection and dissemination of worldwide data on assisted reproductive technology (ART). International ART data collection began in 1989.
ICMART was officially incorporated in California, USA as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in 2003 and is governed by an international board of reproductive medicine professionals. ICMART is a non-State actor (NSA–formerly a non-government organization or NGO) in official relations with the World Health Organization.
ICMART believes in delivering quality information that promotes trust in healthcare, specifically within the areas of infertility and fertility care. Reflecting this, our colours are inspired by the universal symbol of fertility, the pomegranate fruit, and blue hues which traditionally represent trust, wisdom, and healthcare.
ICMART has taken the leading role in the development, collection and dissemination of worldwide data on ART through its World Report series. We provide information on ART practice, utilization, effectiveness and safety to health professionals, health authorities and to the public.
In addition to our World Report series, we developed the first ICMART ART Glossary in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). The most recent revision was led by ICMART in partnership with many international professional stakeholders. The Glossary facilitates dissemination of ART data through a set of agreed-upon definitions.
Our ICMART Toolbox has been developed to facilitate worldwide data collection and monitoring of ART cycles and outcomes. It is freely available on request from ICMART.
It is meant as an introductory package for clinics, countries and regions that do not have established registries for monitoring ART treatments and maternal and perinatal outcomes. The package may also serve as a reference for countries and regions that already monitor ART to ensure they are applying standardized methodology and definitions to their data collection. Finally, the Toolbox can be used by fertility clinics to gather the minimal information necessary to evaluate their ART activity.
It is meant as an introductory package for clinics, countries and regions that do not have established registries for monitoring ART treatments and maternal and perinatal outcomes. The package may also serve as a reference for countries and regions that already monitor ART to ensure they are applying standardized methodology and definitions to their data collection. Finally, the Toolbox can be used by fertility clinics to gather the minimal information necessary to evaluate their ART activity.
The ICMART Global Registry goes through multiple steps of aggregation. Typically, patient level data that is collected by fertility clinics is sent to their national registries or directly to regional registries. ICMART regional representatives coordinate the collection of summary data from each country or regional registry. To protect patient privacy, ICMART receives non-identifiable tabulated summary data to populate the Global Registry which is used to prepare the ICMART World Reports and undertake associated research.